Tag Archives: Health

Health Benefits of Custard Apple-1

Custard apple, also known as Seetaphal is a commonly seen fruit with a whole lot of amazing Health Benefits.

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     Vitamin C

  • Custard apples are excellent sources of the natural antioxidant Vitamin C which not only has immune boosting properties but it also scavenges harmful free radicals in the body


  • Custard apple is an excellent source of energy. It helps to fight exhaustion and eliminates muscle weakness.



Watermelon seeds as a snack:

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Sprouting eliminates the outer black shell of the seeds which when dried and roasted can be a low calorie, protein packed snack.

Effective in recovering health after illness:

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Watermelon seeds are effective in recovering health after illness and sharpening your memory


Women’s healthcare and Nutrition

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A woman is the essence of life and an all-enveloping character is played by a woman as she plays the character of a daughter, sister, wife and mother all at a time within a span of few years. Nutrient-rich food provides energy for women’s busy lives and nutrition plays different roles during different stages of a woman’s life. During childhood, foods fuel growth. Through childbearing years, diet plays a role in fertility, a healthy pregnancy and prevention of chronic disease. In older years, what women eat can help keep minds sharp and bodies strong.

Regular Medical check – ups!!!            

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With today’s busy lifestyles, finding time to visit the doctor can often be difficult but it is important not to forget about our health. Regular health check-ups are important for women. Even in the absence of symptoms, many physicians recommend routine, yearly doctor visits and physicals for females of all ages. A full check-up for women includes a comprehensive work-up for general health, including heart diseases, cholesterol, diabetes, major organ functions, osteoporosis and common cancers like liver and colon cancer. Specifically designed for women, the plan also screens for breast, ovarian and cervical cancers as well as pelvic disorders.                                

Women’s healthcare and Nutrition- 3

 Women’s healthcare and Nutrition

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A woman is the essence of life and an all-enveloping character is played by a woman as she plays the character of a daughter, sister, wife and mother all at a time within a span of few years. Nutrient-rich food provides energy for women’s busy lives and nutrition plays different roles during different stages of a woman’s life. During childhood, foods fuel growth. Through childbearing years, diet plays a role in fertility, a healthy pregnancy and prevention of chronic disease. In older years, what women eat can help keep minds sharp and bodies strong.

Healthy Diet Tips for Women!!!       

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High Fiber Intake– It facilitates slow absorption of glucose, which keeps the sugar levels normal in the blood stream. Fiber makes you feel full early hence helps in maintaining weight.

Essential Vitamins– Fresh fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins and should be included in the daily diet by women.

Sufficient IronA balanced diet for women is incomplete, unless it is packed with a sufficient amount of iron. Low iron intake can lead to anemia and other iron related disorders. 

Calcium for Bones-Women should take ample care to include calcium in their daily diet as they are at a high risk of developing osteoporosis. Foods like curd or dahi, skimmed milk, paneer and nuts are rich sources of calcium and should be made a part of your daily diet.

Women Nutrition And Healthcare- 1

Women’s healthcare and Nutrition

Image result for women healthcare

A woman is the essence of life and an all-enveloping character is played by a woman as she plays the character of a daughter, sister, wife and mother all at a time within a span of few years. Nutrient-rich food provides energy for women’s busy lives and nutrition plays different roles during different stages of a woman’s life. During childhood, foods fuel growth. Through childbearing years, diet plays a role in fertility, a healthy pregnancy and prevention of chronic disease. In older years, what women eat can help keep minds sharp and bodies strong.

Women’s healthcare and its ignorance!!!     

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Women play vital and multiple roles, especially those who are employed, as a balance needs to be maintained by them both at home and workplace, thus ignorance of healthcare can have multiple implications on her surrounding environment such as her family, workplace and social network. Also hectic schedule of balancing workplace and home, along with balancing between social and personal requirements, lead to women ignoring their health and routine checkups resulting in diseases like high or low blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, asthma, urinary infection, arthritis obesity, anemia and depression.



Healthy Menu For the Day

Healthy Menu is the key for well being. A balanced diet and eating in small intervals will not only increase your metabolism but will also provide good nutrients and energy to you body for day- to day work and boost your health.
Please Note: Chappati/Roti can be replaced by 2 slice of bread and pulses can be replaced by other source of proteins

Ultrasonication in Food Preservation


Stay hydrated

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Airplane air can be dehydrating, so avoid alcohol and caffeine and drink plenty of water. Thirst can sometimes be mistaken for hunger.

Stick to your regular schedule

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Plan to eat meals when you know you’ll be hungry. If you must wait to eat with colleagues or clients, have healthy snacks on hand to keep your blood sugar stable so you will avoid overeating at mealtime.