Tag Archives: mood

Foods That Affect Our Moods-4

Potato Chips

  • Easy to get and easy to eat.

  • They are fried in saturated oil and contain omega-6 fatty acids

  • Omega -6 lower brain activity by blocking the mood enhancing omega-3 fatty acids and bring in the negative feelings instead.


TIP: To calm down that craving to munch something, try almonds or any of your favourite nuts, instead of a pack of potato chips.


Foods That Affect Our Moods-3


  • Chocolates (except dark chocolates), give you an instant high because of the sugar rush in your blood.

  • But, as soon as it comes down, you also experience a sharp dip in your mood.


TIP: Pick your favourite fruit and eat it to satiate your sweet tooth.

The fibres, pulp and fruit skin ensure that the sugar enter your blood stream gradually, and you do not end up with a low mood.

FOOD CRAVINGS – 2 ( Craving For Chocolate)

Food craving is an intense desire to consume a specific food, stronger than simply normal hunger. Usually food cravings arise to satisfy emotional needs, such as anxiety, stress, boredom and mood swings which lead to low serotonin levels.  This low serotonin levels (neuro transmitter) sends a signal to the brain to have a positive impact on food. While cravings can mean a number of things including psychological reasons, a strong craving usually indicates your body is low in a specific nutrient, vitamin or mineral which are listed below!

When you crave for chocolates???     


Chocolate cravings may be linked to low blood sugar, stress or changing hormonal levels prior to a woman’s menstrual cycle. Eating chocolate often indicates chromium & magnesium deficiency. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for feelings of well-being and enhanced mood. Chocolate is chosen by emotional eaters, since eating it can raise serotonin levels and help them forget about emotional or other problems, low self-esteem or mildly depressed mood.

How to curb it:


Replace sweets and chocolates with fruits.  Often our bodies will exhibit cravings for sweets when there is lack of protein therefore include sprouts or egg whites in your diet to increase your protein intake.